For my double page spread I have taken inspiration from this Teen Vogue article which interviews Yara Shahidi (18) and Rowan Blanchard (16).
While I am reading the interview online, the two actresses also had their very own cover and pages within the magazine at that time.
In terms of structure, within this article they take turns asking the girls questions. They begin asking the girls on their view of each other and then throughout the article they then split the article into headers named;
This gives each actress the chance to talk about their own shows while also revealing some personal information about themselves which will make cause the audience members to like them.
I also like how the girls are not necessarily asked specific questions but rather are free to talk about a subject matter, this is more interesting than the conventional style. This way I pin point the objectives we were meant to cover in our show, easier.
For my show I would probably like to have a discussion about the show, representation of teenagers and diversity within soap operas.
With asking two of my characters questions it gives me a chance to show different perspectives on my show. This also means that if I choose characters of different, ages, sex, and ethnicities there will be a higher chance of someone from my target audience relating or just liking one of them.
Who is Teen Vogue aimed at? Would it suit your target audience of millennials?