Lifestye Magazines Cover Analysis

This is one of the magazines covers that I have decided to analyse. Melissa McCarthy is on the front of Glamour magazine and the copy mentions her acting career and how she's "one of the highest paid women in Hollywood".

For my own magazine cover I would think of including the leading actor on the cover and I would also mention some of their success along the side of their picture.

I like how the magazine has used a different font for their title than they usually use, it implies that it's a special edition and it fits with the general aesthetic of the magazine.

The magazine has a restricted colour palette consisting of  black, white and red. The inclusion of red acts a pop of colour to which states intriguing facts.

I quite like the restricted colour palette idea and I would want to either incorporate that idea but with different colours into my own, or I would possibly do a bunch of bright colours instead, depending on what appeals to teens/young adults more.

I also like how McCarthy is wearing red lipstick in her shoot because red connotes confidence and this fits well with her article. She's also shown to be wearing a shirt which connotes professionalism, but the gold details of the garment make it look very feminine and stylish as well and this fits the glamourous theme of the magazine.

With my own magazine I would change the makeup and the outfits to be more mainstream to a teen community. This would most likely include a more "made up" face with a colourful eye look, as makeup acts as a statement accessory to millennials.

The Hollywood Reporter includes Yara Shahidi on the front cover. She's a well-known brilliant actress whose accomplished a lot at age 18. Shahidi is also an influencer to teens and speaks out about political issues.

I like how with this magazine there's not much copy on the front page and they make sure that what isn't related to Shahidi doesn't cross over her. What is written about her however is in bold to capture peoples attention.

I prefer a magazine similar to this, where it has minimal copy on the side and the interesting parts are in the centre. I would most likely do this for my own magazine.

Unlike the other magazine, The Hollywood Reporter doesn't entirely stick with a restricted colour palette, as you can see by Shahidi dressed in vibrant prints (looking like a qween). This is  more likely to catch a teens eye, since it includes more interesting prints.

 This is another cover which she has done with another teen actress named rowan. I am going to look at the interview in another post because they discuss their lives as actresses and students while also speaking on representation and activism. This is very similar to what I would like to write for my own magazine.

However before then I wanted to point out the cover because I really I think it's absolutely stunning. I love how Teen Vogue have also stuck with a restricted colour palette, however they have included bright colours into the mix and as I have written previously the red connotes confidence. In this case, I believe the red also signifies love, specifically their love for each other as friends. 

Their earrings are also quite out there and chic which helps bring the playful element to the cover.

I think for my cover I would like the people on the front to wear something playful as well to keep the youngster, mainstream vibe going on, while also implying that they are grown.

The main aspect of the cover which I like is the central image. I think the fact they incorporated two young females on their cover is a smart and unique idea because not only do you get to interview both of them and have more interesting content within the magazine but it could potentially mean that more people would be likely to read it. This is because there is a better chance of people knowing at least one of the girls on the cover.

I am very tempted to steal this multiple-people-as-the-central-image idea because that would then allow me to include multiple cast members which allow me to use them to state their different perspectives of the show.


  1. really clear research development and good ideas about your magazine components

  2. Could you add any further subject specific language or link to theory?


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