Draft Script For Scene 1

First Scene

Cast includes:
Victim's Friends
Victim's Bully

Cambridge City Centre, By a church surrounded by trees, a secluded area.

Fade into scene

Victim's friend paces down the high street with a sense of urgency. She marches up to another teenage girl and pushes her up against a wall

Victims Friend (VF)


Victim's Bully (VB)

               Me!? Oi, get off me!


               You killed her! You murdered her!


               You what mate? I ain't killed nobody,
               especially your loser friend!


               Yes you did! You were at the party where
               she died, you were seen arguing with her
               that night and now by some coincidence
               she's dead! What, did you do poison her drink?


               Poison her?! No! I'm telling you I 'avent
               killed her, I ain't even touched her whatsoever
               that night, I got blackout drunk my mom had to
               pick me up early and you can ask her that for
               clarification if yous like. But it's simple as.
               Ain't no one wasting their time to end your sad
               friends, sad life!


               Bu-Bu-But you did kill! Your words,
               your threats,your insults! Your the reason
               she would spend hours sobbing after school,
               she began believing your dumb
               lies and she got depressed...
               so depressed that she wanted to
               kill herself, but I never thought
               she'd actually do it.

The victim's friend's grip begins to loosen till she lets go completely and holds a facial expression of despair. After 3 seconds it changes back to frustration.


               Do you see now! ( Pushes the bully once)
               Do you see! (Pushes the bully again)
               You were the REASON she died,
               you were the trigger!
              (Pushes her down to the ground)

She raises her fist to punch the bully, the bully puts her hand up to block the punch.


               Wait! Wait, just hear me out,
               I know why she might've killed
               herself and it ain't me. 

The victim's friend pauses for a second.


               What possible explanation do you have?


               Look if it was my fault she could've easily
               moved school, blocked me on social media,
               heck she could've killed me herself.
               But she didn't.Someone else was clearly
               stressing her out even more. Now think,
               who could possibly make a girl go crazy
               to the extent where she can't live with
                                    or without the person?...

The friend shrugs


               Her boyfriend.


               Her boyfriend? That's my brother your
               talking about!


               Well then you should know what
               he's like. If anything he should've
               been your first suspect.


               What? Why? My brother was the perfect
               boyfriend, he would never hurt
               my best friend.
               What am I missing here?


               ...wait you mean to tell me you don't know?
