Draft Script for Scene 2

Second Scene:

Cast includes:
Victim's Boyfriend
Victim's Brother
Victim's Sister
(Some extras who are the brothers friends)

Victim's house

Voice relapse from previous scene:

Victim's Friend says over this shot "What? Why? My brother was the perfect boyfriend, he would never hurt my best friend. What am I missing here?

Scene starts with shot of the door. The door opens to reveal a teenage boy as soon as "my brother" is said.

Victim's Boyfriend (BF)

Then we hear the Victim's Bully say...wait you mean to tell me you don't know?

Black Screen and we hear the door shut.

Wide shot as the guys walk to the couch, there's some other teens in the house but their busy watching TV or on their phone. However everyone looks up as they enter.

The brother sits on a couch facing towards the camera, the boyfriend (of the victim) sits on the couch on the right hand side of the camera.

Victim's Brother (VB)

                Well...since I have lost my sister, the police
                have still not uncovered her cause of death,
                so I have taken matters into my own hands
                and have been asking around. You know what
                I found out?

The brother leans in closer to the camera and then we cut to the boyfriend.



VB (camera turns back to him)

                No that's the thing. I want you to tell me
                about your involvement in my little
                sister's death.


                My involvement? Wait, no, no, no, what do
                you mean my invol--

VB (Cuts him off and suddenly stands up)

                You know exactly what I mean!

BF (Also stands up, hands up like surrendering)

                Now, now, listen. I had nothing to with 
                Robyn's death, okay. I loved her.


                Then how come my fam are reporting
                something else to me. Huh?!

BF (Stuttering)

                W-w-well what-t-t are
                they s-s-saying?

VB (Moves towards the boyfriend)(Side profile shot)

                They told me that you were the one
                who lead her on a destructive path.
                her to drugs. They told me you were the

                one who gave her bad habits.
                They told me that you were the one
                that introduced her to drugs. 

Silence (lasts for 4 seconds) Boyfriend looks shocked and guilty.


 Well?! Did you?!

BF (Stuttering and raises his voice)

               D-di-did I-I-I what?
               C'mon TJ, y-you
               know me better than that.


               Well my boys are singing a different 


               Your boys?! What about the police, what
               have they sai--

The Victim's brother (TJ) phone rings and it's a private number.


               Hello?______ Yes officer______ oh okay

Starts chocking up, listens for a while then sends a death glare to the boyfriend.

               Well, officer. Truthfully I'm distraught,
               I know she was my little sister but once 
               our parents died and I became her guardian
               I felt like her father. And now I've lost her.
               But I can't say I'm fully surprised how it
               happened. Goodbye officer.

The brother stares at the boyfriend for a while before he rushes up to him and begins to start shaking him.

Some Random (VB friend)

               Yo, dude. Chill. What did the police even say?


               He did it. She died over drug overdose.


                                    Ecstasy?! Hold on, hold on. Look I admit,
               that I weren't no saint. Yeah I technically
               did give Robyn drugs but only simple stuff like 
               weed and alcohol if you count that. But never
               would I give her ecstasy. I don't even know 
               where I'd get that, besides. I loved Robyn...
                                    I would never...


               …And yet you did?


               No I didn't

The boys continue yelling over one another, while the other people there struggle to separate them and the whole commotion created only becomes louder.

While this happens the camera pans to the side showing the victims sister sitting on the stairs listening in.

We then zoom into her eye and we see a flashback of that night and we see a drug dealer hand her pills.

Victim's Sister

                Are you sure these are strong enough
                to kill her.

Drug Dealer


Then the scene moves to a party and we see the victim's sister put the pills into the victim's drink and then proceed to give the girl the drink. We slowly watch her fall to the ground. The scene ends with a extreme high angle of the sister standing over the victims body, we are  placed in the perspective of the victim.



  1. Dramatic stuff Tawana! If you haven't already done a storyboard, I suggest you add a few notes about camera shots to help you when it comes to filming


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